We sell the intestinesSheep,
Horse, Beef Pork, Hog, Cattle, and Goat (casing) as dry-salted and non salted in brine, on the stripes and tubes, glued (5 to 8 sections of 91.5 m), etc.
We sell high quality pork intestines, according to the German technology and strict quality standards. Goat and sheep intestines are produced similarly like hog casings, with Asian and Australian raw materials. Beef casings come from the best plants in South America.
We also sell Chinese intestines too.
We deliver up to 24 hours throughout the country free of charge for small order quantities and you only have to pay for the product.
We sell about 250 different assortments of natural intestines of hog, pigs, cattle, goats, Beef, sheep, and horses in all types, classes and calibers.